Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pro Pics!

I got a few pro pics today and as promised I will show you guys some! I will probably post more on my new blog as I get them in. The photographers are amazing!!! I just hated posing with my "serious" face. It felt a little unnatural but some of the shots turned out great.

My dress:
The bouquet:
Me being serious, lol:

My favorite:
Thanks so much for reading girls and thanks for all the support! I hope to see you on my new blog!
Lots of love,


  1. Oh wow the photos look great! They look amazing!!!! Congrats!

  2. I LOVE THESE! Didn't I post that before? Hm. Anyway you should totally model, if you don't already!! You are gorgeous!!

  3. WOW!!!!! totoally agreeing with becca on this one here! go into modeling girl!!!
    anyways,thanks for you comment on my blog!!!just email me with any questions you may have-always willing to help out if i can!
